2 Reasons Home Staging Helps Homes Sell Faster & Receive Higher Offers

If you are soon putting your home on the market or it is currently on the market and just not getting the top-dollar offers you were hoping to get, then you need to learn about home staging and how it not only helps homes sell faster, but also helps homeowners get offers closer to or at their asking prices.

If you have never had a home you were selling staged before or this is the first time you are selling a home, then you may have the common misconception that home staging just isn't worth the small investment or even that buyers prefer to view empty homes. These misconceptions are both false, and after you read on to learn three reasons staged homes sell faster and receive higher offers, you will understand how home staging services really benefit home sellers. 

1. Unstaged Homes Give the Illusion of a "Desperate" Seller

There are many home buyers looking for great bargains, and it may surprise you that one aspect of a home they look for to determine whether the seller may accept a "low-ball" offer or not is whether or not the home is staged. Buyers know that staging a home takes just a little bit more time than putting a unstaged home right onto the market, and this leads them to believing that a seller with an unstaged home is in a rush to sell the home. 

When buyers know a seller is in a rush, one of their assumptions is that the seller may need the cash from the sale very quickly and be willing to accept an offer well below asking price just to get the money in hand as quickly as possible. This leads to buyers making "lowball" offers on unstaged homes that are well below asking price. 

Do you want buyers to assume you are a seller in desperate need of money and willing to accept low offers? If not, then contact a home staging service and have your home staged. You may see your buyer offers increase drastically right after your home is staged. 

2. Professional Staging Can Help Sell a "Lifestyle" Instead of Just a House When Done Right​

If you have seen your fair share of television commercials, as most people have, you may realize that the commercials are often created to sell a "lifestyle" and not just a product.

High-end car commercials often use this marketing strategy, and while a glimpse of the car may be featured in the commercial, the rest of the commercial is often filled with views of the "car owner's" beautiful home, attractive spouse, and the illusion of a happy, care-free life. The reason this marketing strategy (aspirational marketing)  is used so often is due to the fact that it often works and really helps sell a product due to creating a feeling in a buyer that they are not just purchasing a product, but also the "great life" that comes with it. 

When your home is on the market unstaged, the buyer may immediately envision it filled with their own furniture, which they may have had for many years and maybe not even like. On the other hand, when your home is staged well with beautiful interior design, their first impression is often much more favorable and, even though they know the staging furniture is not coming along with the house, they still envision themselves enjoying the beautifully decorated home and not just a new house filled with their "old stuff." 

This cannot only lead to home buyers seeing your home as more valuable and making higher offers, but also lead to them making offers more quickly due to them falling in love with the feeling they get when inside your home. 

If you are placing your home on the market soon or it is already on the market and you are just not getting the top-dollar offers you hoped you were or no offers at all, then have home staging services come stage your home. 
